Waterville, ME 4/23/2024 – Dirigo Labs is delighted to announce the appointment of two Executives-in-Residence (EiR). The cleantech executives, including Bob Martin, former president of Maine Technology Institute, and Jeff Marks of Climate Work Maine, were selected through a rigorous RFQ process.
“Being selected for this role is not only an honor but also a testament to the collective commitment to advancing cleantech innovation in Maine,” states Bob Martin. “I am excited to contribute to Dirigo Labs’ mission, fostering innovation, and supporting the growth of cleantech entrepreneurs, ultimately driving positive change in our state.”
This strategic move is a significant step forward in expanding the Dirigo Labs’ cleantech initiative, reinforcing its commitment to fostering innovation and supporting the growth of cleantech entrepreneurs and startups in the state. This process is supported by a one-year contract from the Governor’s Energy Office through the Clean Energy Partnership, aimed at expanding the Dirigo Labs accelerator program. The appointed EiRs will play a pivotal role in advancing Dirigo Labs’ cleantech programming. Their responsibilities include providing strategic guidance and expert advice to cohort companies on critical areas such as business development, marketing, and fundraising.
“I’m excited about actively fostering impactful connections within the cleantech sector while imparting valuable industry knowledge and entrepreneurial best practices, equipping startups with the tools they need to succeed,” remarks Jeff Marks. “In an increasingly carbon-constrained and climate-conscious economy, Maine has potential to become a cleantech market leader; I look forward to cultivating collaborations that not only drive innovation but also pave the way for sustainable growth and success in Maine’s cleantech industry.”
In addition to their mentoring role, the Executives-in-Residence will actively facilitate meaningful connections between startups and key stakeholders in the cleantech sector. The EiRs will also contribute to the knowledge-sharing ecosystem by designing and delivering workshops and training sessions. These sessions will impart valuable industry knowledge and entrepreneurial best practices, equipping startups with the tools they need to succeed.
“This strategic move, supported by the Governor’s Energy Office through the Clean Energy Partnership program, marks a significant milestone in our commitment to nurturing innovation and empowering cleantech entrepreneurs,” adds Dirigo Labs Managing Director Susan Ruhlin. “These executives will bring invaluable expertise to our accelerator program, guiding startups in vital areas such as business development, marketing, and fundraising.”
About Dirigo Labs:
As a public-private economic development partnership fostering a robust mid-Maine economy, CMGC is organizing the tech industry’s ability to transition the post-manufacturing economy through the Dirigo Labs initiative. Through this initiative, Dirigo Labs will galvanize mid-Maine’s unique diversity of academic institutions and tech firms to develop a startup accelerator that harnesses the entrepreneurship and digital skills of our students, graduates, academic faculty, and business owners to build a sustainable tech and innovation hub that powers a thriving rural economy.
Last modified: April 23, 2024