WATERVILLE – Central Maine Growth Council (CMGC) has received a grant through the Summit Natural Gas Charitable Giving Program, which will fund a series of initiatives designed to connect students interested in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) with technology-based businesses.
The focus on STEM careers is a natural progression for CMGC. In addition to working with a number of businesses and regional/state projects in the STEM fields, the organization hosts Central Maine Tech Night and partners with the Mid-Maine Technical Center (MMTC) to coordinate a robust pre-apprenticeship program which allows MMTC students to advance their skills under the mentorship of local businesses.
With the Summit Natural Gas grant, which was awarded through a community voting process, CMGC will attract STEM-related businesses to the pre-apprenticeship program, showcase the skills of students interested in STEM (e.g. robotics club members) at regional events, and provide students access to technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship-related workshops and events. By supporting students interested in STEM careers with hands-on STEM learning experiences and access to networking and mentoring opportunities, CMGC intends to strengthen the talent pipeline for the region’s technology-based businesses.
More broadly, the grant will strengthen economic development in the mid-Maine region. As Garvan Donegan, senior economic development specialist at CMGC, explains, “With an attractive pool of knowledgeable, equipped students interested in STEM, the region will continue to attract and launch the innovation- and technology-based businesses that are at the forefront of the knowledge economy.” The infusion of technological expertise and job creation will benefit Waterville-area municipalities and their residents with both direct and spillover effects.
CMGC is the leading public/private catalyst and resource for economic development in central Maine. The growth council is dedicated to fostering a robust regional economy through successful collaborative partnerships among businesses, governments, academic institutions, health care facilities, arts and cultural agencies, and residents primarily in the communities of Waterville, Winslow, Fairfield, and Oakland. The benefit is a highly desirable place in which to enjoy an outstanding work-life balance.
The Mid-Maine Technical Center is an award-winning career and technical education institution which offers classes in 12 subject areas, in all of which students can earn college credit and industry certifications. Participating school districts include Waterville High School, Winslow High School, Messalonskee High School (serving Belgrade, China, Oakland, Rome, and Sidney), and Lawrence High School (serving Albion, Benton, Clinton, and Fairfield), as well as local private and home schools.
Summit Natural Gas press release available here.
Last modified: June 6, 2018