Residents and Business Owners are Encouraged to Provide Feedback to Town Council

Fairfield, ME 8/27/2024 – The Town of Fairfield’s Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC) has initiated a survey aimed at assessing public interest in the establishment of a dedicated Parks and Recreation department. This department would focus on the maintenance, enhancement, and programming of Fairfield’s community assets.
The primary objective of the survey is to gather actionable community input which will be used to prioritize municipal initiatives, identify potential new projects, and assess the community’s needs regarding recreational spaces and programs. The feedback obtained will be instrumental in directing the allocation of town resources and capital expenditures, supporting grant initiatives, and ultimately contributing to the enhancement of Fairfield’s quality of life and sense of community.
“Launching this survey is a pivotal step in aligning our development efforts with the expectations and needs of our residents,” stated Fairfield Town Manager Michelle Flewelling. “By engaging directly with the community, we can ensure that our projects are reflective of local values and strategically targeted to maximize impact. Creation of a new Town Department is a significant step forward for Fairfield, and with this foundational public participation we can feel confident our future decisions will provide a benefit to the community.”
The survey invites residents and business owners to provide input on various topics, including the expansion of recreational trails, desired new indoor and outdoor recreation facilities, the prioritization of future planning initiatives, and usage of existing public spaces. Currently, the Town of Fairfield’s Public Works Department is responsible for the maintenance of streets, roads, and municipally-owned parks and cemeteries. The creation of a Parks and Recreation department would allow the Town to dedicate a department specifically to the maintenance and development of recreational assets.
“Community input is essential for ensuring that recreational projects are closely aligned with the specific needs and aspirations of our residents, fostering a deeper sense of ownership and civic pride,” said Committee Chair Stephanie Thibodeau. “This survey will provide FECDC with valuable insights to guide the enhancement of our parks and recreational facilities, as well as assist in identifying priority projects that will further enrich the quality of life in Fairfield.”
The FECDC intends to utilize the survey results to prioritize parks & recreation investment and redevelopment efforts to support the attraction, expansion, and engagement of businesses and residents toFairfield. All residents and business owners are encouraged to participate in the survey, which is accessible online at Paper copies are available at the Fairfield Town Office. Survey responses will be accepted until Friday, September 27.
About the Fairfield Economic and Community Development Committee (FECDC):
The Economic and Community Development Advisory Committee is a “citizens” committee with open membership to all Fairfield residents, business owners, and educators who have a vested interest in community development. Meetings are open to the public, and the committee typically meets monthly at the Fairfield Community Center; go to Fairfield’s online calendar of events for a meeting schedule.
Last modified: August 27, 2024